Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lisa A. Sprague Resume - Experience

Resume - Experience


• Master of Science in Criminal Justice, Columbia College , Missouri, March, 2010
• Bachelor of Science in Education: Human Services (major), Psychology (minor), May 1979, University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
• Human Services: Tompkins-Cortland Community College, Dryden, New York 1977

CERTIFICATIONS past and present
• NRA Firearms Instructor
• NRA Ran

ge Safety Officer
• Police Officer State of Florida
• Generalist Police Instructor State of Florida
• Violent Patient Management Instructor
• Victim Advocate Specialist
• First Responder
• C.P.R.
• Black-Stripe Belt Tae-Kwon-Do
• Front Line Homeland Responder Instructor
• FBI National Security Clearance
• Prevention and Response to Suicide Bombers Instructor
• Regional and State Emergency Response Team
• Florida Licensed Private Investigator C# 1000070

Reserve Police Officer Department of Environmental Protection to Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission
November 10, 2011 to present
Assigned to the Training and Standards Division

Sprague Security, Safety and Risk Consulting Group, LLC A# 1000011
CEO, President, February, 2010- Present
Responsible for business management of the company to include knowledge of product or service being offered and development and monitoring of policies that govern the industry and employees.
Hiring, training, monitoring and firing employees.
Long range planning to include who potential customers are, what the service will be and how it will evolve over time.
Marketing of the company which includes knowledge about other products and services in the market and adjusting service according to trends in the industry.
Responsible for financial aspects involved in running the company, including paying taxes, salaries and bills.
Investigations and consulting.

Florida State University, University Police Department, Tallahassee, FL
Interim Co ~Leader of Police, September 2005 – February 2006
• Responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring a wide variety of policies and procedures guiding the internal operations of the department.
• Formulates policies, procedures, and standards pertaining to the national accreditation of the Department.
• Responsible for developing and directing the University-wide public safety, law enforcement, crime prevention, emergency response, and other related programs.
• Works in a liaison capacity, with other University personnel, Student organizations, and other law enforcement professionals on broad-range program development issues.
• Responsible for developing, submitting, monitoring, and evaluating annual capital outlay, expense, and salary budgets of 4.9 million per year.

Associate Chief of Police, May 2003 – February 15, 2010
• Police Officer State of Florida 235438
• Plans and administers the law enforcement and security activities for the Police Department. This includes satellite facilities in Panama City, Sarasota and Turkey Point, Florida.
• Responsibilities include criminal and traffic accident investigations and enforcement, personnel administration, policy development, program administration and security coordination of major events.
• Mentors and develops law enforcement personnel who have the responsibility for the protection of life, property, and prevention of crime and misconduct, traffic and crowd control, criminal and traffic law enforcement, criminal and traffic accident investigations and community service.
• Directs and evaluates the programs for recruiting, selection and training of personnel in the uniform patrol section which includes communications, sworn officers, security officers, event staff and SAFE Connection drivers.
• Manages the Safe Connection Escort Transportation system.
• Advisor First Responder Unit
• Serves as the Chief in his absence and responsible for overall operations.
• Coordinates the Crisis Management Unit.
• Supervision of approximately 45 uniformed officers, including lieutenants, sergeants and corporals, 9 communications operators, 10 security guards, 19 safe connection employees, 110 event staff.

University of Southern Mississippi, National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security, Instructor November 2009- 2010
Conduct workshops across the country regarding risk management, threat assessment, incident management, sport security planning staff training and exercises.

Adjunct instructor CJ 132 Criminal Justice Organization and Administration
June 2010- September 2010

Florida State University, Department of Criminology, Tallahassee, Fl. Adjunct Instructor 2006- 2011
Introduction to Law Enforcement- CCJ 3110
Domestic Terrorism---CCJ-4933
Police Problems and Practices CJE 4114

Truman State University, Department of Public Safety, Kirksville, MO
Chief of Police, August 1991 – May 2003

• Provided administrative and operations supervision of police services, parking services, state fleet vehicles and drivers.
• Developed and implemented department policies, procedures, and regulations consistent with all laws and campus policies.
• Responsible for the upgrading of the communications section, including equipment, emergency phones, computers and hiring and training of dispatchers.
• Administered and managed security for buildings, facilities and grounds.
• Developed a comprehensive fire and hazards safety program utilizing building coordinators.
• Developed and coordinated the Campus Crisis Management and Emergency Operations Plan.
• Implementation of community policing philosophy and programs.
• Calculated, compiled, and controlled the department budget.
• Acted as official spokesperson for the department with news media representatives.
• Advised other University Departments and student groups regarding Police and Public Safety matters.
• Formulated and presented informational and educational programs.
• Monitored compliance with Campus Crime and Security Act.
• Revised job descriptions and hiring procedures.
• Improved ratio of under represented groups employed by the department.
• Increased training standards and requirements for department members. Implemented a career step program.
• Managed parking and traffic regulations
• Worked cooperatively and effectively with local and area law enforcement officials.
• Collaborated with local hospitals and victim support services for effective response to victims of crime.
• Reserve Deputy Sheriff, Adair County.

Moberly Area Community College, Law Enforcement Training Center, Moberly, MO
• Instructor, part-time, 1995– 2003

Missouri Sheriff Association, Jefferson City, MO.
• Instructor, part time, 2002 – 2003

St. Charles County Law Enforcement Academy, St. Charles, MO
• Instructor, part-time, 1995

Stetson University, Department of Public Safety, Deland, FL
Director, June 1990 – June 1991

• Responsible for entire operation of a student security department.
• Developed Crime Prevention initiatives and programs.
• Established criteria for hiring and promotion developed a communications section, complete with an information and record keeping system.
• Increased the number of minority and women students on staff. Improved the level and frequency of training received by student officers.
• Initiated the development of a Policy and Procedures Manual.
• Instrumental in the development of a Victims Assistance Program through the University Counseling Center.
• Managed parking and traffic regulations on the Stetson campus.

Broome County Law Enforcement Academy, Binghamton, NY
• Instructor, part-time, 1989 – 1990

Cornell University, Deputy Sheriff, Ithaca, NY
Lieutenant/Manager - Auxiliary Services and Training & Orientation, 1986 – 1990
• Directly supervised eight sworn officers, thirty reserve officers and twenty-eight student employees.
• Developed, hired and trained the Reserve Officer Corps.
• Planned and supervised security for special events including Empire State Games, athletic events, commencements, concerts and all major events on campus.
• Coordination of dignitary protection for a variety of notable visitors.
• Instructed a pilot D.A.R.E. Program (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) at Caroline Elementary School.
• Manager of Parking and Traffic Regulations on the Cornell campus.
• Coordination of recruit, in-service roll call training, implementation of curricula, lesson plans and examinations, as well as selection of programs of personnel and external academy training.
• Implemented LETN (Law Enforcement Training Network).
• Directed and coordinated the Tompkins County Law Enforcement Academy.
• Manager of the Blue Light Escort Service which is a volunteer escort program available to the Cornell Community.
• Management of approximately forty-five building coordinators located throughout campus in an effort to improve security and relay important information regarding strike information, crime trends or any other information deemed pertinent.
• Deployment and supervision of shift personnel.
• Delivery of all law enforcement and security services.
• Police Operations Lieutenant when required.

Lieutenant, Information Management Section, 1985 – 1986
• Headquarters Manager in charge of communications and administrative affairs which included collecting and analyzing data from operating units and preparing daily, monthly and annual summaries.
• Train and supervise telecommunications.
• New York State Police Information Network operator and instructor.

Crime Prevention Officer, 1983 – 1985
• Coordinated installation of CCTV, alarms and other prevention devices on the Cornell Campus.
• Primary law enforcement services, creation and implementation of crime prevention programs, public speaking and public relations.
• Developed several programs including a bike rodeo for children, a poster contest emphasizing crime prevention and campus watch.
• Assisted in the training of residential life personnel.
• Liaison with campus departments regarding crime prevention initiatives.

Community Service Officer, April 1980 – 1983
• Primary law enforcement services.

International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators
• President - 2008/2009
• President Elect- 2007
• Treasurer, 1999 - 2007
• Assessor, Executive Management Assistance Program, 1997 – present
• Membership Committee Chair, 1994 – 1999

International Association of Chief’s of Police
• Campus Section Representative, Crime Victim's Summit, Washington D.C. 1999

Florida Police Chiefs’ Association

Florida Sheriff’s Association

Missouri Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators

• President, 1999, 2003
• Secretary, 1997
• Vice President, 1995, 1997

Missouri Police Chief’s Association

• Diversity Committee Chair, 1999 – 2001
• Domestic Violence Chair, 1998
• Law Enforcement Torch Run Committee, 1994
• Assessor, Management Assistance, 2000 – 2003
Missouri Peace Officers’ Association

• Member, 1998 – 2003

National Association of School Safety and Law Enforcement Officers

• Member, 2001

National Sheriff’s Association

• Member 2009-present

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Member Scientific Advisory Team, Rating Alcohol Polices and the Use Environment on College Campuses

• Participant 1995

Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute Associates, Inc.

• Member, 2005

Florida Association of Professional Investigators



Greater Tallahassee Chamber of Commerce

Business and Professional Women of Tallahassee

TIPS Business Member

NE Business Association


Truman State University
• Transportation Committee Chair, 2001 - 2003
• Health and Wellness Committee, 1999-2000
• Women's Resource Center Board, 1998-2000
• Violence Prevention Committee, 1999
• Substance Abuse Prevention Task Force, 1998, 2000
• Freshman Week Move-In Committee, 1992-2003
• University Police Oversight Committee Chair, 1999-2003

Florida State University
• Athletics Committee, Ex-Officio member
• Athletics Committee, Equity and Student Welfare Subcommittee
• Athletics NCAA Certification, Governance and Commitment to Rules Compliance Subcommittee
• Access Control Steering Committee, Co-Chair
• Animal Issues Crisis Committee
• Training Interest Group
• Leon County Local Emergency Planning Committee
• Employee Assistance Program Advisory Committee
• Adopt-A-Cop, Housing Night Staff
• Heritage Grove Advisory Council
• Parking and Transportation Committee
• Parking and Transportation Fees Committee
• Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Planning Committee
• Regional Emergency Response Team- Planning Chief
• Region 2 Gang Reduction Task Force
• Sexual Assault Task Force
• Oglesby Student Union Board Member
• International Crisis Committee
• Florida State Emergency Response Team
University of Miami
• Dean’s List, 2 years
• President’s Honor Roll, 1978
• Who’s Who of American College Students, 1978
• International Who’s Who of Professionals, 1995
• Kiwanian of the Year, 1992 – 1993
• National Residence Hall Honorary, 2000
• Division of Student Affairs “Being There” Award, 2005
• National Committee for Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, “Patriotic Employer’ Award, 2006
• Prudential-Financial-Davis Productivity Award , 2006
• Nominated State of Florida Officer of the Year ` 2008
• Tallahassee’s 25 Women You Need to Know, 2010
• Oasis Center Trailblazer Award, March 2011
• Florida Business and Professional Women Glass Ceiling Award, May 2011

• Adair County Mental Health Board
• Adair County Law Enforcement Association
• American Heart Association Leon County Community Board Member
• American Heart Walk Captain
• Capital City Tiger Bay
• Kirksville Baseball/Softball Association, Secretary, 1998 -2000
• Kirksville Community Alcohol Work Group, Chair, 1998
• University of Missouri - Columbia, Law Enforcement Training Institute Advisory Member
• Adair County E-911 Joint Services Board
• FBI Advisory Committee
• Moberly Area Community College, Law Enforcement Academy Advisory Member
• Kirksville Kiwanis Club, President, 1995 - 1996, Vice President, 1994-1995
• Kirksville Coalition for Prevention, President
• Missouri Department of Health, Injury Control Advisory Board Member
• Missouri Department of Public Safety, Peace Officer Standards and Training Program, State of Missouri, Subject Matter Expert for Cultural Diversity Materials for Mandated Curriculum
• Kirksville Airport and Transportation Commission
• Adair County Local Emergency Management Committee
• Regional Security Domestic Committee, Florida
• Tallahassee Kiwanis Club
• Florida District II Local Emergency Planning Committee
• Regional Violent Crime Commission Member
• Leon County Sexual Assault Response Team
• ITT Tech Criminal Justice Advisory Board

• Missouri Personnel Association Annual Conference, Columbia, MO., 1993
• “Campus Crime and Awareness Act,” 1993
• Missouri Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators, Conference, Jefferson City, MO 1998
• “Victim Assistance Model,” 1992
• Mental Health Issues for Campus Administrators ASJA Conference, February 2008
• Moberly Area Community College, Staff Development Speaker, 1999
• Truman State University, Workplace Violence Staff Development Speaker, 2000
• “South African Exchange Visit”, Campus Law Enforcement Journal, Vol. 34 No 5, 2004
• “Measuring What We Do”, Campus Law Enforcement Journal, November/December Vol. 35, No 6, 2005
• Underage Drinking, Campus Perspectives, Underage Drinking Summit, Disk Village, Tallahassee, Florida 2005
• Measuring What We Do –Performance Measures, IACLEA Conference Las Vegas, June 2007
• Criminal Investigations, Key Note Speaker CUPIC Conference, August 12, 2008
• International Keynote Presentation, Lessons from Virginia Tech. Sydney, Australia, April , 2009
• Blue Print for Safer Campuses, Safer Community Symposium, Melbourne Australia, November 2009, Speaker
• Management and Leadership Issues in Campus Law Enforcement, Association of College Administration Professionals, San Diego, March , 2010, Speaker


• All Hazards Incident Management Team
• Alcohol Enforcement
• Basic Supervisory Practical, Florida State University
• Basic Crime Prevention Course
• Building Collaborative Relationships
• Campus Computer Use and Abuse: Applying Policy to Problems
• Civil Liability
• Child Abuse and Neglect
• Collective Bargaining
• Community Problem Solving
• Communication Obstacles
• Computer Crime
• Computer Literacy
• Community Problem Solving
• Cultural Diversity
• Crime Prevention
• Criminal Street Gangs Investigations
• Criminal Intelligence for the Chief Executive
• Deadly Physical Force
• Dealing with Death
• Defensive Tactics Instructor
• Domestic Violence
• Due Process and Just Cause; Employer/Employee’s Rights
• Drug Facilitated Rape
• Earthquake/Tornado Mitigation
• Ethics and Professionalism
• Event Management
• Field Sobriety Testing and Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus
• Fire and Arson Investigation
• First Responder
• Florida Criminal Justice Executive Institute, Chief Executive Seminar Class 37
• Florida Police Basic Academy
• Florida Professional Compliance Workshop
• Florida Public Records Law
• Front Line Responder Train the Trainer
• Generation X
• Handling Citizen Complaints
• Hate Crime Investigation
• Identifying the Problem Officer
• Improving Intra-Department Relations
• Implementing Diversity Programs
• Incident Command System
• Instructor Development
• Interviewing and Interrogation
• Internal Affairs Investigations
• Islam and Islamic Radicalization Workshop
• Leadership and Change
• Leadership for Chief Executive Officers
• Legislative/Legal Update
• Liability Issues and Design Security
• Managing Criminal Investigations
• Media Relations
• Methamphetamine
• Mental Illness
• Minority Hiring
• Multijurisdictional Counterdrug task Force Training
• National Incident Management System, 100,200,300,400.700.800
• National Sport Event Risk Management
• New York Police Academy
• OCAT Basic Course
• Police Supervision
• Pressure Point Control Tactics Defensive Tactics Instructor
• Pepper Ball
• Professional Compliance
• Taser Training
• Rapid Rotation Baton
• Rapid Response to Critical Incidents
• Radar
• Response to Terrorism
• Results Oriented Supervision
• Risk Management Considerations in Police Department Operations
• School Violence
• Sexual Harassment
• Seven Habits of Highly Successful People
• Stalking
• State and Federal Personnel Laws
• Street Survival
• Stress Management
• Stop Violence Against Women
• Substance Abuse Prevention
• Suicide Bomber
• Terrorism in the 21st Century
• Technology of Prevention
• Undercover Operations
• Verbal Judo

• Bad Checks
• Building Searches
• Burglary Investigation
• Child Abuse and Neglect
• Communication Obstacles
• Community Policing
• Community Problem Solving
• Crime Prevention
• Criminal History Reporting
• Crisis Intervention
• Cultural Diversity
• Dealing with Death
• Defensive Tactics
• Domestic Violence
• Ethics and Professionalism
• Gangs
• Health, Fitness and Nutrition
• Instructor Development
• Introduction Preparation for Duty
• Introduction to Report Writing
• Memoranda
• Officer Discretion
• Performance Measures
• Pressure Point Control Tactics
• Property Crime Offense
• Racial Profiling
• Report Writing
• Robbery Offenses and Investigation
• Sexual Assault
• Sexual Harassment
• Stress Management
• Survival Mentality
• Tactical Communications
• Traffic Direction and Control
• Vehicle Stops

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Endorsement Former Leon County Commissioner Anita Davis


Endorsement of Anita Davis

    This letter is to serve as record of my endorsement of Lisa Sprague for Leon County Sheriff.  I would like to recognize Ms. Lisa Sprague for her commitment to service and community. As the first female African American elected to the office of Leon County Commission, and serving as the first African American elected Chair, I understand the many hurdles and obstacles facing all person seeking to hold elective office. I have had many conversations with Lisa Sprague, and have enjoyed the opportunity on several occasions to ask her some tough questions on air, and in person. I am most impressed by her commitment to diversity, modernization, fiscal responsibility, and creating a real sense of community. Lisa Sprague has proven that it is her intention to continue to move the Leon County Sheriff’s office into a new era. Her education, in depth knowledge, integrity, and professional experience make her a clear choice for the office of Sheriff. It is for this reason that I proudly endorse Lisa Sprague for the office of Leon County Sheriff election cycle, 2012.











                                                                                                                                                                                Anita L. Davis

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tallahassee Young Democrats Endorse Lisa Sprague

Tallahassee Young Democrats Endorse Lisa Sprague For Leon County Sheriff 

Former City Commission Candidate Daniel Parker Endorses Lisa Sprague for Sheriff

by Daniel Parker

October 5, 2012

Dear Friends,

Over the past year of walking neighborhoods, gathering signatures, meeting in your homes and in public places, I was privileged to get to know many of our local candidates well and I know who is working for your best interests. Though my candidacy failed to move past the primary, several good candidates did and I join you as a voter in wanting to see the best candidates win.

It is my believe that Lisa Sprague will make an excellent Sheriff for Leon County and our capital city of Florida.

I understand first hand the difficulties and reluctance to embrace change in our community. We like the familiar, no matter how dysfunctional or unsustainable. and we like to ease into things without being rushed. The current sheriff has been at the helm for some time now, has done what many would consider to be a good job, and has beaten a fine man in Mr. Tommy Mills in the primary.

But it is time for change.

Lisa reminds me a lot of Ann Richards, the former Governor of Texas. A tough woman in what many perceive to be a man's occupation. Both earned the respect of all of their peers by fighting for what they believed in. Ann Richards became only the second woman elected Governor in Texas. With Lisa, we have the opportunity to continue electing on lifetime merit and ability, and make her one of the first and few female sheriffs in the State of Florida.

But this is not about being first. In Lisa, we have a proven candidate with the opportunity to continue being tough on crime. As the most educated citizenry in the State of Florida, we have an opportunity to install a well educated, family woman with over 30 years of boots on the ground experience in law enforcement as our next sheriff. She combines the education and the experience with a fresh outlook, unfettered by stubbornness, misplaced pride, and old ways of doing things.

I sincerely believe that Lisa will not only be able to lead a department of our finest, but will engage the community like never before in prevention and "keeping the peace." She represents real democratic principles of respect, honesty, fairness, and toughness. She will be responsive, and responsible.

Please join me in supporting Lisa with your contributions, your time, and your vote. On November 6th, elect Candidate Sprague to be your Sheriff Sprague.
Endorsement By Mr. Delaitre Hollinger



In today's changing times, it is ever prevalent that we continue our commitment to protecting the beautiful neighborhoods of Leon County, forging partnerships with local agencies, and decreasing the past year's steadily rising crime rate. This is why the choice for Leon County's next Sheriff on November 6 is clear. And that choice is Lisa Sprague.

Ms. Sprague is a well-educated, seasoned Law Enforcement veteran with a proven record of service. She is a small business owner, has served as President of many national Law Enforcement Associations, and has served in several leadership capacities, including Chief of Police, Interim Chief of Police, Co-Chief of Police, Deputy Chief of Police and Associate Chief of Police. Her driven ability and steadfast dedication to fighting crime, allowed her to ascend from the ranks of police officer in her 31-years plus in the field to serve as a Police Chief in two separate venues during her career. She has been personally responsible in many instances for managing and balancing large department budgets and is eminently qualified to serve as our next Sheriff.

Lisa is a registered Democrat and has been endorsed by many local and even national Democratic organizations who have been witnesses to her commitment to the citizens of the City of Tallahassee and Leon County. She is an outstanding person, a trusted friend, and would be an even better elected official.

I have been a personal witness, as have many others to the disrespect shown to Ms. Sprague by incumbent Sheriff Larry Campbell in political venues. Sheriff Campbell has served as Sheriff for 16 years and as Undersheriff for 16 years, and has spent 51 years in Law Enforcement. 21 years as Sheriff and sticking to the status quo would be detrimental to our county for the next four years.

It is time to elect a proven, visionary leader as our next Sheriff.
That person is Lisa Sprague.

Delaitre J. Hollinger
Former Candidate
Tallahassee City Commission, Seat 1

Sunday, October 21, 2012

This is a repost of the Tallahassee Democrat Editorial Board article- Video is available at
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Campbell, Sprague spar at Editorial Board meeting
Written by Arek Sarkissian II Florida Capital Bureau

Oct. 20
Leon County Sheriff Larry Campbell said on Wednesday that if he is re-elected in November, he will stay his
course, finding efficiency and forging partnerships with other agencies.
His opponent, Lisa Sprague, said she, too, would pursue efficiency and implement policies that would make it
“My vision for Leon County Sheriff is a new era of law enforcement in Leon County,” said Sprague, who is
running with no party affiliation. “One that is built on teamwork, one that is built on modernizing and moving the
sheriff’s office into the 21st Century.”
Democratic candidate Campbell, 69, and Sprague, 56, met before the Tallahassee Democrat’s editorial board to
share their ideas for the county’s top law enforcement seat. They agreed the county has seen a rise in crime and
that the department should consolidate some resources with other agencies. They differed in how they view
cooperative relationships between the Leon County Sheriff’s Office and other agencies as well as differences
about the proportion of racial groups represented in the county’s jail population.
The county saw an increased crime rate in the 2011 Annual Uniform Crime Report, released earlier this year by
the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. In 2011 there was a 5.7-percent increase in the crime rate from 2010,
and a 6.3-percent increase in the overall volume of crimes.
Campbell attributed the increase to a depressed economy and growing trend of metal theft.
“We have a crime problem, as does every jurisdiction,” Campbell said.
Both candidates referred to a report published more than a year ago by Forbes magazine labeling Tallahassee one
of the most crime-ridden communities in the nation. Sprague said that report used data from the federal Bureau of
Labor Statistics, which included communities across the Panhandle and in Georgia. Her solution was to bring in
experts to examine the county’s demographics, roadway systems, the economy and its two major universities.
Sprague said she would also bring in a team to examine the racial makeup of the jail population. Campbell said his
department only arrests a fraction of the inmates brought into custody and was not at fault for any disproportionate
racial makeup of the jail population.
“I have no say on whether they’re male, female or whatever,” Campbell said, adding he cannot release inmates to
balance the ratio. “I would be guilty of a felony if I did that.”
Sprague said there is room for improvement in the way the sheriff’s office works with other law enforcement. In
response, Campbell read a letter he said was from Tallahassee Police Chief Dennis Jones praising their current
“I think we enjoy a very professional relationship with all of them and we work with all of them on a daily basis,”
Campbell said. “The days of us working in the county and them only working in the city are long gone.”
Sprague did not mention an Elections Commission complaint she filed last week, alleging Campbell has
misrepresented his education and military background.
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Campbell used his closing statement to question Sprague’s experience.
“My opponent has said she has been in law enforcement for 31 years, I’ve never heard anything except that she
was at (Florida State University) Police Department,” Campbell said. “That’s not exactly the toughest job in

Monday, October 15, 2012

    Endorsement of Former Tallahassee Mayor
Dorothy Inman-Johnson
    This letter is to serve as confirmation of my endorsement of Lisa Sprague candidate for Leon County Sheriff, who is currently seeking the office of Sheriff with no party affiliation. It is always good to see a candidate who is not afraid of a debate, a town hall meeting or a pointed journalistic question. You have sho...
wn an exemplary standing in all these areas leading me to believe my support is best placed with you. Having had the honor of serving in elective office as a Tallahassee City Commissioner and Mayor for two terms, I take any endorsement very seriously. Therefore, my decision to endorse Lisa was made after much deliberation and consideration of her qualifications as a proven leader, and expert in the field of Law Enforcement. I have had the privilege of observing Ms. Sprague in many different situations over time, and have been most moved by her professionalism, honesty, and integrity. I offer my endorsement because I am confident that Lisa will do what is right and necessary to move Leon County into a brighter and safer future. It is with great pride that I offer Lisa Sprague my support and endorsement in her campaign for the office of Leon County Sheriff on November 6, 2012.

                                                                Dorothy Inman -Johnson

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Join Me In My Mission


    Integrity, honesty and transparency are not only a central plank in my platform but also who I am as a professional.  I have encountered many issues in my law enforcement career that have required me to stand-up for what is right.

    For example, in my role as the Deputy Chief of Police at Florida State University, I was confronted with a variety of unethical behavior involving a person possessing higher authority than my position. I reported the behavior to Florida state University Auditors, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Florida Department of Law Enforcement. In an effort to ensure transparency, and accuracy, external entities were involved to provide oversight, and to correct the situation.

    My position of Deputy Chief was an executive position and not protected by a labor agreement or contract. The individual who was the subject of the investigation was allowed to initially cancel my employment with Florida State University Police Department without cause or presentation of a reason. When he did that, I took immediate legal action against Florida State University.

The final resolution of my lawsuit included:

·         All statements made by this supervisory person  formally “rescinded” by the University  and  ordered sealed from dissemination by the University
·         The supervisory  person was given a “direct order (by the University)…not to make, and or not to encourage others to make any disparaging remarks regarding” me
·         I was restored full back pay and all of my attorneys fees were paid by Florida State University

    I then choose to resign from Florida State University with my honor and integrity  in tact. I am proud of the action I took to combat wrong doing and satisfied with the corrections provided.

    Each and every day of the past 30-plus years I have lived by my personal code of integrity, honesty and transparency.  I promise you that, as your next Sheriff, I will continue to do so.  And my personal codes of conduct will not end there.  As your Sheriff, I will demand the same of every man and woman employed by the Leon County Sheriff’s Office, whether sworn officer or civilian, and irrespective of rank, grade or position. 

    I hope that you will join me in my mission to restore honor and integrity to the Leon County Sheriff’s Office, and to provide our community with trustworthy, dependable, ethical, and effective law enforcement.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

 It's Easy

   It’s easy! It’s easy to see that Leon County is one of the best places to live in the America. It’s easy to see that Leon County has some of the best communities, best universities and, best opportunities available to anyone in the world. I am proud of Leon County.  Our county, is the best county in the state of Florida. I am so proud of the city and county that we call home.
   Leon County is home of the very best in everything. We are the home of Florida A & M, a Time Magazine and Princeton Review College of the Year Award Winner. We are the first county to have a wonderful university like Florida State, NCAA, National Championship winners, go wire to wire and remain number one in the polls from preseason through bowl season.  We are a “Green City”. We are “Blue Ribbon” award winners.  We were voted as having the best utility service in the entire United States.  We are top notch, and top hat in just about every area you can name.

    But there is another area so vital and important to all of us in which we could do more, be better, and if tasked to me, be the best. I think that it comes as no surprise to any of us that in today’s time when you have anything of value, it must be protected.  Our sons and daughters must be provided with a place where they can thrive and flourish. We must continue to demand only the best for our families, and hold those guardians entrusted with their welfare accountable. When it comes to that we hold most dear, failure is not an option.

  I want to be your Sheriff, because I know that your family wants more, and that your family deserves the very best. Now, I am asking for your help. On August 14th of 2012 the voters in Leon County made it clear that they wanted a change. You, the voters have spoken. We hear each other loud and clear. I am ready  to work together to tackle our challenges. I have thirty plus years of law enforcement experience. I have obtained a Master of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Columbia College. I have served as a Police Chief and also as a Deputy Police Chief of Florida State University. In a county with three of the nation’s top colleges and universities, I think it is important that I note that I have served as the President of the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators. I am prepared. I am committed. I expect the best, and I will deliver to the citizens of Leon County only the very best.
   I am asking for your help, because the challenges facing Leon will take all of us to conquer. I want your support, help, and involvement. I believe in leadership, transparency, and accountability. The budget for the Leon County Sheriff’s Office is close to $61 million dollars. Day one, I will have a Blue Ribbon panel of auditors open the books, make recommendations, and make those recommendations public. I will create a citizens advisory committee to get input from our schools, trauma informed care professionals, coaches, colleges, advocacy groups, mental health professionals, small businesses, work force development, sustainability communities, home owners associations, early childhood development professionals, our seniors, and our youth. I want all parties at the table.

  I truly believe in the honored charge given to me to “Protect and Serve”. I believe that there should be an equal emphasis of service and protection. I want to serve the voters of Leon County. I want to work for you, put your tax payer dollars to work for you, and implement the use of your ideas for you. That is why I am asking for your vote on November 6th 2012. Together we can take Leon County to the top in one of the categories that matters most, the service and protection of your family.  

 Your friend,
Lisa gue
Paid for by Lisa Sprague, No Party Affiliation, for Leon County Sheriff.
Lisa Sprague

Paid for and Approved by Lisa Sprague, No Party Affiliation, for Leon County Sheriff.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

For immediate Release                                  Contact: Lisa A. Sprague 850-656-9400
September 18, 2012                                          

Statement by Lisa Sprague on Receiving the Endorsement from the AFSCME( American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees) 79

Tallahassee – Lynda Lloyd, Region 1 People Chair announced that AFSCME Council 79   has officially announced their endorsement and support of Lisa Sprague in her campaign for Leon County Sheriff. 
 AFSCME is the collective bargaining agent for the professional, human service, administrative/clerical and operational services units in state government. AFSCME Council 79 is the second largest union in Florida with 90 locals representing approximately 110,000 employees of the state, state universities, cities and counties, school boards and private nonprofit hospitals.  Members are served by seven regional offices and a professional staff of 33, including lawyers, staff representatives, lobbyists, contract negotiators, organizers, trainers and political action representatives. Florida AFSCME is able to draw upon the resources and expertise of AFSCME International and its 1.3 million members.
Upon receiving the endorsement, Lisa Sprague stated, “I am pleased and honored to receive the endorsement of AFSCME Council 79.  Their support of my campaign shows that we can bring about a positive change in our Sheriff’s Office and in our community”
Despite recent strides, too few women participate in the processes that determine political power and too many women face a challenging road to powerful public service positions. Of the 3,084 sheriffs in the United States, only 42 are women according to Fred Wilson, director of operations for the National Sheriffs' Association. That number is nearly twice what it was just seven years ago.

Additional facts about AFSCME can be found by visiting or by calling
Jeanette Wynn, President (email: Address: 3064 Highland Oaks Terrace
Tallahassee, FL 32301 Phone: 850-222-0842

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Lisa Sprague Press Conference - Focus on The Issues

Repost From
Leon County Sheriff Larry Campbell.
Leon County Sheriff Larry Campbell. / Democrat file photo
Lisa Sprague, candidate for Leon County sheriff.
Lisa Sprague, candidate for Leon County sheriff. / Jeff Burlew/Democrat
Lisa Sprague, who’s running for Leon County sheriff, went on the offensive Monday, accusing Sheriff Larry Campbell of using foul and sexist language on the campaign trail, something he strongly denies.  Sprague, a former deputy police chief at Florida State University, convened a news conference at the Florida Press Center in which several speakers representing women’s organizations spoke out against Campbell.
“For the sake of all women, let’s be respectful, let’s stick to the issues, let’s talk about things that are important to the citizens in the community and let the voters decide what they’re going to do,” Sprague told the Tallahassee Democrat. “There’s no need for name-calling.”

Campbell, who’s running for a fifth term, denied the allegations, saying the Sprague campaign is “going wild” trying to draw him into a public confrontation in a bid for publicity.

“What these people are trying to do is take somebody that the people in this community have known basically my entire life and make me out a villain,” Campbell said. “I’m not a villain. I work for the people.”
Sprague said Campbell used foul language to her face after she greeted him before an Aug. 2 candidate forum at the Dade Street Community Center. Campbell, however, said he merely said, “How you?” to Sprague. Campbell and Sprague agree no one else was close enough to overhear the exchange.
She also produced a letter sent to her Wednesday by Scott Matteo, who ran for County Commission in 2010, saying he attended a luncheon where Campbell, who was in uniform, repeatedly used a derogatory term to refer to her. Matteo said in the letter that the lunch happened several months ago, though he didn’t provide other details, including its location. He couldn’t be reached for comment.

“My feeling at the time was that this was a term that he generally used when referring to you or your campaign,” Matteo wrote.  Campbell said he “totally and unequivocally” denies Matteo’s allegation and attributed it to the political season.

Speakers who lined up to condemn Campbell included Tabitha Frazier, who’s running for Leon Soil & Water Conservation District 3 supervisor and was representing the Women’s Campaign Fund; Agnes Furey, a member of the Florida League of Women Voters; Veronique Tolliver, president of the Capital City Democratic Women’s Club; and Rachel Pienta, a spokeswoman for the Democratic Club of Florida.
Some taking part in the news conference criticized Campbell for referring to Sprague as “that woman” during the forum and another hosted Aug. 7 by County Commissioner Bill Proctor. The speakers said the use of demeaning language only discourages women from running for office.

“It is time to cast our votes based on how well equipped the candidate is for the office that he or she seeks rather than the equipment he or she carries below their belt,” Pienta said.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Repost From Elect Women Website

Florida Sheriff Larry Campbell Displays Vulgarity and Sexism Towards Female Opponent

By Kathy Groob, Founder ElectWomen – National organizations including The Women’s Campaign Fund, National Organization for Women, Florida Women’s Democratic Club, Capital City Women’s Democratic Club and Name It. Change It., are outraged over the actions and remarks of the current Leon County Florida Sheriff Larry Campbell against his challenger Lisa Sprague.

While in uniform and representing citizens of Leon County, Sheriff Larry Campbell has exhibited blatant sexist attacks in candidate forums specifically targeting his female opponent, Lisa Sprague. A former police officer, Sprague is running as an independent in the three-way race for the county sheriff’s position.  Following a candidate forum in August, Sprague extended her hand to the Sherriff and Campbell responded by angrily saying “f…k you!”

Sheriff Larry Campbell

Sheriff Campbell has attacked Lisa Sprague with blatant sexist remarks in recent forums, referring to her as “that woman” rather than by her name. He said “he would take her down to a range and shoot her,” and has said, “She doesn’t know a damn thing she’s talking about.”

“Voters expect professionalism from their elected officials, law enforcement or otherwise,” says Sprague. “It’s a three-way race and my other male opponent has not been subjected to this type of treatment.”
Of the 3,084 sheriffs in the United States, only 42 are women according the National Sheriffs’ Association. There are currently two Sheriffs in the State of Florida that are female. One such Sheriff, Susan Benton is the incoming President of the Florida Sheriff’s Association and the other, Sadie Darnell, is the Chair of the Sheriff’s Foundation.

“We strongly condemn Sheriff Larry Campbell’s sexist attacks against Lisa Sprague,” said Siobhan Bennett, President/CEO of the Women’s Campaign Fund.

“Groundbreaking research from our sister organization, Name It. Change It, shows that sexist attacks like these, either in the media or from an opponent, can drastically damage voters’ perceptions of the woman candidate,” says Bennett.

“Name It. Change It. exists to replace the usual silence that follows an attack,” added Bennett.  Calling it out as sexism is a critical step for women candidates seeking to repair the damage with the voters. WCF applauds Lisa Sprague for taking a stand against the severe misogyny coming from her opponent and call on the voters of Leon County to do the same.”

 Repost from

Your Family Is What Matters


Now we know our opponent is Sheriff Larry Campbell.
And we know Mr. Campbell is relying on long time supporters and big donors who will spend anything it takes to maintain the status quo, and keep things running business as usual.
Here's one more thing you should know: I'm more committed than ever to fighting for the families of Leon County. But I need your help to do it.
Let's be clear: This campaign won't be easy. We've seen just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to spending by the other side.
Now that the primary is over, we are working diligently on our general election campaign. We've set a goal of raising $ 75,000 over the next few months to take our campaign to the next level --and get ready for everything our opponents are going to throw at us.
The families Leon County are counting on us -- and we can't afford to fall short.
Help us launch our general election campaign by sending a strong message that its time for Leon County to move forward, and into the future.
This is a big moment for our campaign, and I'm grateful to have you here with me.

Thank you,

Lisa Sprague

Paid for and Approved by Lisa Sprague, No Party Affiliation, for Leon County Sheriff.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Women's Campaign Fund Condems Sheriff Larry Campbell

Women's Campaign Fund Condems Sheriff Larry Campbell

“We strongly condemn Sheriff Larry Campbell’s sexist attacks against Lisa Sprague,” said Siobhan Bennett, President/CEO of the Women's Campaign Fund. “Groundbreaking research from our sister organization, Name It. Change It, shows that sexist attacks like these, either in the media or from an opponent, can drastically damage voters’ perceptions of the woman candidate. Name It. Change It. exists to replace the usual silence that follows an attack. Calling it out as sexism is a critical step for women candidates seeking to repair the damage with the voters. WCF applauds Lisa Sprague for taking a stand against the severe misogyny coming from her opponent and call on the voters of Leon County to do the same.”

Juan Garcia-Thomas
Communications Manager
Women's Campaign Fund
1900 L St NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036

Current Status of Leon County Mental Health Court

Leon County
Board of County Commissioners

Cover Sheet for Agenda #5

September 11, 2012
To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board
From: Vincent S. Long, County Administrator
Title: Consideration of Funding a Mental Health Competency Restoration Program

County Administrator
Review and Approval:
Vincent S. Long, County Administrator
Review and Approval:
Alan Rosenzweig, Deputy County Administrator
Lead Staff/
Project Team:
Wanda Hunter, Director, Office of Intervention and Detention Alternatives

Fiscal Impact:

This item could have an initial fiscal impact of $100,000 and could result in a reoccurring $100,000 line item expense.  The current $100,000 is available through uncommitted carry forward funding which has been designated to be returned to fund balance.  However, recurring funding has not been identified.

Staff Recommendation: 
Board direction.            

Report and Discussion

At the July 9, 2012 Budget Workshop, the Board considered the Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC) recommendation to fund both the Leveraging Intervention For Transformations (LIFT) Program and establish a mental health competency restoration program to address a population of defendants not currently served under Florida Statute 916 (Attachment #1).  During the workshop the Board had extensive discussion regarding funding two recurring programs at $100,000 each thereby creating a future recurring expenditure of $200,000.  The Board decided at the workshop that they did not desire to create this future increased recurring expenditure and directed that only $100,000 be included in the budget and that $100,000 be returned to fund balance.  The Board voted and ratified the following actions at its July 10, 2012 regular meeting:
1.      Accepted staff’s report on mental health competency restoration services and the LIFT Program;
2.      Took no further action on the existing $100,000 carryforward available in the jail diversionary account and allowed the appropriation to be returned to fund balance;
3.      Maintained the current $100,000 funding level in the diversionary account for the LIFT Program; 
4.      Directed staff to agenda funding consideration for mental health competency restoration services for the Board’s August meeting (Attachment #2).
Additionally, the Board invited the PSCC to attend a Board meeting and discuss in detail the costs and benefits of establishing a mental competency restoration program.  In the following Analysis section, a summary of the PSCC’s discussion of this issue at their regular monthly meeting held on August 21, 2012, is provided.  The Analysis includes information requested by the Board, detailing the program objectives and funding request.


Summary of PSCC’s Discussion at their August 21, 2012 Meeting
The PSCC was briefed on the Board’s July Budget Workshop discussion of their recommendations and the actions taken.  Subsequently, the PSCC voted to send a representative to the next Board meeting, and address questions raised and restate their recommendation for funding of a mental health competency restoration program.  The PSCC agreed that all future correspondence to the Board, from individual constitutional officers serving on the PSCC who request the use of diversionary funds, would include a statement regarding the PSCC’s support for it. 

Mental Health Competency Restoration Program
Defendants with brain injuries, dementia, or a mental illness or developmental disability, who are charged with a misdemeanor offense, do not qualify for competency restoration services through the Department of Children and Families or the Agency for Persons with Disabilities. The Mental Health Coordinator has asserted that some defendants in this population are in jail for an extensive period because they do not qualify for services under Florida Statute 916.

Competency restoration training is intended to assist defendants in understanding the court process and the charges against them so that they may participate in their own defense.  There are six primary components in the evaluation that the Court must consider in addressing a defendant’s competency to proceed.  The defendant must:
1.      appreciate the charges or allegations against him;
2.      appreciate the range and nature of possible penalties, if applicable, that may be imposed in the proceedings against him;
3.      understand the adversarial nature of the legal process;
4.      disclose to counsel facts pertinent to the proceedings at issue;
5.      manifest appropriate courtroom behavior; and,
6.    testify relevantly.

In addition to competency training, defendants could be referred for other services; such as, readiness assessment and referral to vocational rehabilitation, assistance with applying for Medicaid, social security, housing, transportation, as well as assistance in establishing medication management and counseling appointments and regular contact with a case manager to address issues as they arise.  If competency restoration services were available, the Courts would, in many cases, be satisfied that defendants could be released and monitored with an assurance of regular updates to the court on their progress and compliance.  These support services increase the defendant’s ability to live lawfully and productively in the community after the court process.

In its May 21, 2012 letter to the Chairman, the PSCC recommended that the Board issue a request for proposals to identify a vendor whose purpose is to support mental health restoration services for people with a persistent mental health issue, as identified by the court.  The PSCC intended to utilize the 2012 allocation from the diversionary fund to support this initiative.  As such, the vendor would be required to produce an itemized budget detailing the funding required to provide the requested services, within the $100,000 allocation (Attachment #3). 

Currently, there are 20 defendants eligible to participate if a program was available.  The number of defendants enrolled, and the time frame for competency restoration, would vary and may not be confined to an identified 12-month cycle.  The Board must consider that funding such a program may require continued funding in order to produce the desired outcome of minimizing the time spent in jail and in the court system.

Budget Considerations
As approved at the budget workshops, next year’s budget includes $100,000 in funding to support the LIFT program.  If the Board supports the competency restoration funding request, this would require an additional $100,000 in funding.  The additional $100,000 in funding could come from the fund balance; this is a result of a prior year $100,000 allocation for the PSCC not being expended.  However, if the Board approved the additional $100,000, then $200,000 would have been allocated to PSCC-related programs; annually, the Board has committed $100,000 in recurring revenue.  During next year’s budget deliberations, the PSCC may recommend the continued funding for both the LIFT and competency restoration programs.  The Board could then be addressing $200,000 in budget requests, when $100,000 is the typical funding for these programs.

1.      Accept the status update regarding the funding of a mental health competency restoration program and take no further action.
2.      Appropriate $100,000 for a competency restoration program utilizing prior year uncommitted carry forward Public Safety Coordinating Council funding.
3.      Board direction.

Board direction



Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Endorsement from FL NOW PAC

Just Released on the Tallahassee FL NOW (National Organization of Women) Facebook Page

The campaign is happy to announce that Lisa Sprague was one of two candidates endorsed in Leon County by the FL NOW PAC. Consideration was given to answers given in response to a questionnaire as well as an interview.  We would like to thank NOW for its support and endorsement.

Lisa Sprague
Candidate for Leon County Sheriff

Staying Focused On The Issues

Lisa Sprague For Leon County Sheriff Campaign

Phone 850-656-9400
1311 Executive Center Drive
Tallahassee, FL. 32301 

Press Release

The Lisa Sprague Campaign Will Stay Focused On The Issues

Florida Press Center - 336 West College Avenue, September 10, 2012 5:00PM ~~Women’s Campaign Fund, National Organization for Women, Florida Women’s Democratic Club, Capital City Women’s Democratic Club.

Despite recent strides, too few women participate in the processes that determine political power and too many women face a challenging road to powerful public service positions. Of the 3,084 sheriffs in the United States, only 42 are women according to Fred Wilson, director of operations for the National Sheriffs' Association. There are currently two Sheriffs in the State of Florida that are female. One such Sheriff, Susan Benton is the incoming President of the Florida Sheriff’s Association and the other, Sadie Darnell, is the Chair of the Sheriff’s Foundation.

Lisa Sprague is a candidate for the office of Leon County Sheriff. Lisa Sprague’s Opponent Sheriff Larry Campbell has shown blatant sexist attacks in candidate forums, and most recently has made several over the top remarks addressed solely to Ms. Sprague, in a public setting, while in uniform representing the Leon County Sheriff’s Office. Voters expect professionalism from their elected officials, Law Enforcement or otherwise. The other male opponent Mr. Tommy Mills, has not been subjected to this type of treatment or rhetoric.

This is inappropriate, unacceptable behavior to voters, and has nothing to do with Ms. Sprague’s merits, years of career service, or extensive qualifications. The citizens of Leon County expect more, deserve better, and need to be reassured that the public discourse will remain focused on the issues that will impact their families and continue to move Leon County forward in these tough times. Instead of focusing on meritless statements, we should be focusing our attention on reducing the crime rates, reducing costs to tax payers, improving cooperation, and strengthening communication amongst our law enforcement agencies. In short, moving our Sheriff’s Office into the 21st Century.

Sheriff Campbell’s sexist, divisive, and demeaning rhetoric has no place in this election cycle, or the electoral process. The process permits the difference of opinion. Discussion and debate on matters of policy or principal are encouraged and welcomed. But, it is equally as important that our discourse remain focused on the families of the public we wish to serve, and the Office of Sheriff. This kind of harmful sexism damages our political debate, our democracy, and will no longer be tolerated. Ultimately the kind of behavior exhibited by Sheriff Campbell hurts how women and young girls see themselves in our society, and discourages women candidates from participating in future elections.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Alternatives & The Use Of Best Practices

These are the sort of creative innovative solutions that WE need to begin looking at and as your 21st Century Sheriff of Leon County Florida, I promise to begin looking at all the best practices that benefit our citizens and community. Read below from CBS News-

The biggest daily delivery is to a homeless shelter for adult men and women called "Safe Harbor." The building is an old bus depot turned county jail that P
inellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri converted to a shelter in January 2011, in part to prevent the homeless from being arrested for minor crimes.

"The criminal justice system should not be a dumping ground for a social problem," Gualtieri said. "They can come here, diverted from the jail, and they can get services that will help them break the cycle of homelessness, whether it's anything and everything from mental health services and alcohol and substance abuse to job training and literacy and those things that will help them become a productive members of our community."

While the shelter costs $1.6 million a year to operate, Gualtieri says it actually saves taxpayer money, because it costs $13 per day to keep a person in the shelter, compared to $106 per day in jail, where the annual budget exceeds $100 million.

Gualtieri said one homeless man was arrested 76 times in five years by St. Petersburg police, and served a total of 560 days jail, costing the county $80,000.

Safe Harbor's 400 bunk beds are almost always full - with three cavernous rooms for men and one for women.

 Find out more about my Platform on my website:

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

In 2003 an 11-year old boy unnecessarily died in vehicle crash just blocks from Tallahassee Fire Department Station #3.  The Leon County Sheriff’s Department received the 9-1-1 call for a crash inside the city limits and did not transfer it to Tallahassee Police Department causing a critical delay.  Close to eight years later the same situation exists.
It occurs to me as I continue to read about the Public Safety Complex and our expenditure of approximately $50 million and $3 million annually that this   unacceptable condition could have been solved years ago at a much smaller cost to taxpayers.  After years of discussion regarding Joint Dispatch, there are still important questions to be answered:
Has the county and city completed any analysis to use an existing facility?
Has the city and county developed a governance agreement?
After $50-60 million is expended will there be any significant operational improvement?
How will coordination with Tallahassee Police Department and Leon County Sheriff deployment be improved?
How will this improve response times for the unincorporated county? (Leon County is 702 sq miles while the city is about 102 sq miles)
Has a cost benefit analysis of building options been explored?

Has a risk assessment of building options been explored?
Are there any interim plans to stand-up a Joint Dispatch Center like operations prior to a new building being completed?

The Joint Dispatch issue has been around for years.  Numerous public safety consulting companies from 2000 to 2005 were employed by the city and county during this time frame including:
•     PERF
•     PTI
•     Fitch & Associates (EMS)
•     RCC
•     Winbourne & Costas

In May 2003, an EMS consultant (Fitch and Associates) hired by the City and County Commissions to research the EMS issue recommended that the Tallahassee Police Department Communications Center dispatch EMS services.  Fitch and Associates made this recommendation based upon numerous factors that included:
·         TPD Communications Center PSAP workload (80% of all 9-1-1 activity)
·         The significant public safety workload  is within the City of Tallahassee
·         TPD Communications Center dispatched:
o   Tallahassee Police Department - City of Tallahassee
o   Tallahassee Fire department – All Leon County
o   Volunteer Fire Departments – Unincorporated Leon County
·         Advanced technology employed by the TPD Communications Center
·         Ability to simultaneously dispatch, coordinate, and update Fire, EMS, and Police resources from the same CAD system and associated applications
·         Ability to generate statistical reports from the CAD system to improve efficiencies and effectiveness of public safety resources
·         Ensure the vast majority of citizens calling 9-1-1 would not be unnecessarily transferred

It was pointed out that a joint dispatch between Leon County Sheriff’s Office and Tallahassee Police Department could be accomplished in 90-days housing it in Tallahassee Police Department’s State of the Art Communications Center. Furthermore, highly trained staff from both agencies could be accommodated and absorbed into the current structure.

In this time of economic uncertainty it seems prudent to consider all options before expending such an enormous amount of our taxpayer money. In other words, is this the most cost effective and efficient way to solve the issues without hampering Public Safety? More importantly, now that this facility and annual operations has been approved will it be successful if none of the other issues are resolved?