Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Join Me In My Mission


    Integrity, honesty and transparency are not only a central plank in my platform but also who I am as a professional.  I have encountered many issues in my law enforcement career that have required me to stand-up for what is right.

    For example, in my role as the Deputy Chief of Police at Florida State University, I was confronted with a variety of unethical behavior involving a person possessing higher authority than my position. I reported the behavior to Florida state University Auditors, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Florida Department of Law Enforcement. In an effort to ensure transparency, and accuracy, external entities were involved to provide oversight, and to correct the situation.

    My position of Deputy Chief was an executive position and not protected by a labor agreement or contract. The individual who was the subject of the investigation was allowed to initially cancel my employment with Florida State University Police Department without cause or presentation of a reason. When he did that, I took immediate legal action against Florida State University.

The final resolution of my lawsuit included:

·         All statements made by this supervisory person  formally “rescinded” by the University  and  ordered sealed from dissemination by the University
·         The supervisory  person was given a “direct order (by the University)…not to make, and or not to encourage others to make any disparaging remarks regarding” me
·         I was restored full back pay and all of my attorneys fees were paid by Florida State University

    I then choose to resign from Florida State University with my honor and integrity  in tact. I am proud of the action I took to combat wrong doing and satisfied with the corrections provided.

    Each and every day of the past 30-plus years I have lived by my personal code of integrity, honesty and transparency.  I promise you that, as your next Sheriff, I will continue to do so.  And my personal codes of conduct will not end there.  As your Sheriff, I will demand the same of every man and woman employed by the Leon County Sheriff’s Office, whether sworn officer or civilian, and irrespective of rank, grade or position. 

    I hope that you will join me in my mission to restore honor and integrity to the Leon County Sheriff’s Office, and to provide our community with trustworthy, dependable, ethical, and effective law enforcement. 


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