Friday, September 7, 2012

Current Status of Leon County Mental Health Court

Leon County
Board of County Commissioners

Cover Sheet for Agenda #5

September 11, 2012
To: Honorable Chairman and Members of the Board
From: Vincent S. Long, County Administrator
Title: Consideration of Funding a Mental Health Competency Restoration Program

County Administrator
Review and Approval:
Vincent S. Long, County Administrator
Review and Approval:
Alan Rosenzweig, Deputy County Administrator
Lead Staff/
Project Team:
Wanda Hunter, Director, Office of Intervention and Detention Alternatives

Fiscal Impact:

This item could have an initial fiscal impact of $100,000 and could result in a reoccurring $100,000 line item expense.  The current $100,000 is available through uncommitted carry forward funding which has been designated to be returned to fund balance.  However, recurring funding has not been identified.

Staff Recommendation: 
Board direction.            

Report and Discussion

At the July 9, 2012 Budget Workshop, the Board considered the Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC) recommendation to fund both the Leveraging Intervention For Transformations (LIFT) Program and establish a mental health competency restoration program to address a population of defendants not currently served under Florida Statute 916 (Attachment #1).  During the workshop the Board had extensive discussion regarding funding two recurring programs at $100,000 each thereby creating a future recurring expenditure of $200,000.  The Board decided at the workshop that they did not desire to create this future increased recurring expenditure and directed that only $100,000 be included in the budget and that $100,000 be returned to fund balance.  The Board voted and ratified the following actions at its July 10, 2012 regular meeting:
1.      Accepted staff’s report on mental health competency restoration services and the LIFT Program;
2.      Took no further action on the existing $100,000 carryforward available in the jail diversionary account and allowed the appropriation to be returned to fund balance;
3.      Maintained the current $100,000 funding level in the diversionary account for the LIFT Program; 
4.      Directed staff to agenda funding consideration for mental health competency restoration services for the Board’s August meeting (Attachment #2).
Additionally, the Board invited the PSCC to attend a Board meeting and discuss in detail the costs and benefits of establishing a mental competency restoration program.  In the following Analysis section, a summary of the PSCC’s discussion of this issue at their regular monthly meeting held on August 21, 2012, is provided.  The Analysis includes information requested by the Board, detailing the program objectives and funding request.


Summary of PSCC’s Discussion at their August 21, 2012 Meeting
The PSCC was briefed on the Board’s July Budget Workshop discussion of their recommendations and the actions taken.  Subsequently, the PSCC voted to send a representative to the next Board meeting, and address questions raised and restate their recommendation for funding of a mental health competency restoration program.  The PSCC agreed that all future correspondence to the Board, from individual constitutional officers serving on the PSCC who request the use of diversionary funds, would include a statement regarding the PSCC’s support for it. 

Mental Health Competency Restoration Program
Defendants with brain injuries, dementia, or a mental illness or developmental disability, who are charged with a misdemeanor offense, do not qualify for competency restoration services through the Department of Children and Families or the Agency for Persons with Disabilities. The Mental Health Coordinator has asserted that some defendants in this population are in jail for an extensive period because they do not qualify for services under Florida Statute 916.

Competency restoration training is intended to assist defendants in understanding the court process and the charges against them so that they may participate in their own defense.  There are six primary components in the evaluation that the Court must consider in addressing a defendant’s competency to proceed.  The defendant must:
1.      appreciate the charges or allegations against him;
2.      appreciate the range and nature of possible penalties, if applicable, that may be imposed in the proceedings against him;
3.      understand the adversarial nature of the legal process;
4.      disclose to counsel facts pertinent to the proceedings at issue;
5.      manifest appropriate courtroom behavior; and,
6.    testify relevantly.

In addition to competency training, defendants could be referred for other services; such as, readiness assessment and referral to vocational rehabilitation, assistance with applying for Medicaid, social security, housing, transportation, as well as assistance in establishing medication management and counseling appointments and regular contact with a case manager to address issues as they arise.  If competency restoration services were available, the Courts would, in many cases, be satisfied that defendants could be released and monitored with an assurance of regular updates to the court on their progress and compliance.  These support services increase the defendant’s ability to live lawfully and productively in the community after the court process.

In its May 21, 2012 letter to the Chairman, the PSCC recommended that the Board issue a request for proposals to identify a vendor whose purpose is to support mental health restoration services for people with a persistent mental health issue, as identified by the court.  The PSCC intended to utilize the 2012 allocation from the diversionary fund to support this initiative.  As such, the vendor would be required to produce an itemized budget detailing the funding required to provide the requested services, within the $100,000 allocation (Attachment #3). 

Currently, there are 20 defendants eligible to participate if a program was available.  The number of defendants enrolled, and the time frame for competency restoration, would vary and may not be confined to an identified 12-month cycle.  The Board must consider that funding such a program may require continued funding in order to produce the desired outcome of minimizing the time spent in jail and in the court system.

Budget Considerations
As approved at the budget workshops, next year’s budget includes $100,000 in funding to support the LIFT program.  If the Board supports the competency restoration funding request, this would require an additional $100,000 in funding.  The additional $100,000 in funding could come from the fund balance; this is a result of a prior year $100,000 allocation for the PSCC not being expended.  However, if the Board approved the additional $100,000, then $200,000 would have been allocated to PSCC-related programs; annually, the Board has committed $100,000 in recurring revenue.  During next year’s budget deliberations, the PSCC may recommend the continued funding for both the LIFT and competency restoration programs.  The Board could then be addressing $200,000 in budget requests, when $100,000 is the typical funding for these programs.

1.      Accept the status update regarding the funding of a mental health competency restoration program and take no further action.
2.      Appropriate $100,000 for a competency restoration program utilizing prior year uncommitted carry forward Public Safety Coordinating Council funding.
3.      Board direction.

Board direction



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